Week 1: Introduction to Python
- What is Python?
- Python installation and setup
- Understanding the Python interpreter and interactive mode
- Basic data types: integers, floats, strings, and booleans
- Variables, expressions, and assignments
- Basic input and output functions
- Introduction to Python's built-in functions
- Code commenting and readability
Week 2: Control Flow and Loops
- Conditional statements: if, elif, and else
- Logical operators: and, or, not
- Loops: while and for loops
- List comprehensions
- Iterating through sequences: range() function
- Break and continue statements
Week 3: Functions and Modules
- Defining and calling functions
- Function arguments and default values
- Returning values from functions
- Variable scope and global variables
- Importing modules and using standard libraries
- Creating and organizing your own modules
Week 4: Data Structures
- Lists: creation, indexing, slicing, and methods
- Tuples: creation, indexing, and immutability
- Sets: creation, methods, and set operations
- Dictionaries: creation, keys, values, and methods
- Choosing the right data structure for your program
Week 5: Error Handling and Exceptions
- Understanding and identifying different error types
- Handling exceptions using try, except, and finally blocks
- Raising exceptions with raise keyword
- Creating and using custom exceptions
- Best practices for error handling
Week 6: File Input/Output and Serialization
- Reading and writing text files
- Opening and closing files using 'with' statement
- File modes and working with binary files
- Understanding file pointers and seeking
- JSON: Reading and writing JSON files
- Pickle: Object serialization and deserialization
Week 7: Object-Oriented Programming
- Introduction to object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts
- Classes, objects, and attributes
- Methods and the self keyword
- Constructors and destructors (init and del)
- Inheritance and method overriding
- Encapsulation and abstraction
- Polymorphism and duck typing
Week 8: Advanced Topics and Best Practices
- Working with Python libraries: requests, pandas, NumPy, matplotlib, etc.
- List and dictionary comprehensions
- Lambda functions, filter(), map(), and reduce()
- Generators and the yield keyword, Iterators
- Decorators and higher-order functions
- Context managers and the with statement
- Multithreading and multiprocessing
- Writing clean, efficient, and Pythonic code, Python best practices and PEP 8
- Introduction to testing and debugging: unittest, pytest, and pdb